It’s time to fall in love again with your business

Because you deserve a coaching business that allows you to be the dynamic and adored thought leader you’re destined to be …

without soul-sucking burnout or the peaks and valleys of unpredictable income.

I’m Nicole Wiltshire, and I want to personally help you build the business of your dreams, based on your innate talents, while generating consistent and ever-growing revenue.

Everything was going so well …

With careful and thorough planning, you created a coaching program you believed would channel your unique brand of transformation right to your clients.

You probably created that offer in a business coach’s group program with the same process she used to create her 7-figure business.

On paper, it’s phenomenal. But the Stripe account says otherwise.

Ugh – WHY??

You believe in yourself as a coach …

You know your coaching helps transform your clients’ lives …

Your offer includes everything it should need to sell …

So why can’t you hit those income goals your peers seem to achieve so easily?

Here’s the deal:

There is something out of alignment between your offer, your niche, and your brand – possibly all three – and it’s not your fault.

See, I believe most people are operating with the best of intentions. And I think that, when you created all of these things, you did it with the goal in mind of succeeding.

Sell the program, help the people, make the money.

So you did what the gurus tell us all to do:

Create an offer that meets a need in the market. Rinse and repeat.

But the problem for you is that, even though this offer might be the bees-knees, it’s built on a shaky foundation.

Please hear this truth: 

If you’re not super charged up about selling your offer, it’s not just the offer that might need an overhaul. There may be some bigger alignment problems you hadn’t considered.

(Or are ignoring and pretending they’ll just go away.)

Here’s how to know if something’s out of alignment under the hood of your coaching business:

(A self-assessment)

The idea of creating content right now feels like “ugh” because you are so sick of talking about what gets attention vs. what really matters.

You feel like a pest selling on social media or in the DMs – even though you know that your offer is solid and may have even sold it many times before.

You’re so exhausted from marketing something you’re not passionate about that you’ve become irritable, pessimistic, and jealous of those c*nts who are flaunting their success all over Instagram – which just makes you feel shameful and petty, putting you in a downward spiral of negative emotions which makes everything worse.

In fact, all marketing feels like a grim fucking slog lately.

Mondays suck and Sundays are even worse.

You’re seeing escape hatches everywhere – like that fancy real estate office you almost applied to join because you watched Selling Sunset and you could totally do what they do – right??

You haven’t felt a genuine sense of flow in forever.

Most of all, you don’t have a clear vision of where you’re going – all you know is that you just want off this misery tilt-a-whirl.

Feeling like this about something you once felt so much hope for is killing your self-esteem as not just a coach, but a human.

Something has to give.

Like I said before, the solution to your problem isn’t that you need to come up with a different offer or play with pricing …

What you need is a redux of your business and a stronger connection to your purpose as a thought leader and coach.

The thing about being someone in the self-development space is that you’re also on your own evolutionary journey. You probably have experienced some massive growth since you started your business …

And what you wanted before might be different than what you want now.

Am I saying you need to burn it all down and start over from scratch?


Your ultimate destination might not be that different from what you believe it is now – or it could be on the other side of the galaxy.

We won’t know until we dive in.

Regardless, if you’re feeling anything remotely close to what I described above, you owe it to yourself to chart the correct path … or face who-knows-how-many-more months or years trapped in Second-Guess Yourself Hell.

My brilliant thought leader kindred spirit …

Join me for:

Ease & Flow:

Coaching Business Relaunch

Ease & Flow is a 12-week 1:1 coaching mentorship where we’ll examine the roots of your purpose, talents, and destiny so you can chart a clear path for your business and create a suite of offers you’ll feel in total alignment with selling.

Purposeful thought leader.

Smokin’ hot online presence.

One-of-a-kind message.

An offer that’s an easy “yes” which you’re charged up to sell.

And best of all: consistent revenue.

Unlike other programs that –

Wait …

This actually isn’t anything at all like other programs because the result isn’t something-something make seven-figures by tomorrow.

Yes, I want you to have all the wealth your heart desires.

But what you need right now is to strip everything down and find out who the hell you truly are. Because if you don’t get aligned with your authenticity and inner thought leader, every moment marketing your business is going to feel like driving your Lamborghini down the road with the parking brake on.

Don’t do that to your Lambo, it ruins a beautiful car – just like doing what you’re doing now is ruining you.

So, what are we doing in Ease & Flow?

:::rubs palms together:::

Ooh, girl … get ready to raise your standards and be held relentlessly accountable to your dreams.

Week 1 – Thought Leader’s Purpose Foundation

  • Reignite your drive by connecting with your true, thought leader purpose
  • Stand confident in your path by witnessing the distance you’ve traveled in your own evolutionary journey
  • Break down barriers between yourself and world by finding your vulnerability and relatability in your true persona
  • Chart your future success by defining the character arc of your own story


Week 2 – Authentic Expression

  • Attract engaged superfans by stepping into your authentic thought leader persona
  • Receive more intuitive downloads and divine guidance for your business by establishing a clear signal with your inspiration source
  • Feel fully expressed in your business and set yourself apart from competitors by creating an authentic, expressive online presence
  • Claim your authority and create excitement by establishing yourself as the one-of-a-kind trailblazer you are


Week 3 – The Intersection

  • Gain instant credibility by discovering the exact audience who will most value who you are and what you can do
  • Connect with your audience and build trust by tracing the same steps you and your ideal audience has taken
  • Build your own confidence by connecting your unique genius with the deepest desires of your audience
  • Easily position yourself as not only the obvious solution in your niche, but someone with a novel and unexpected method with whom no one else can compete


Week 4 – The Transformation Vehicle

  • Attract and convert high-ticket clients by presenting a solution which breaks the monotony in your niche
  • Experience alignment by serving your clients at the highest level in ONLY the areas where you want to serve them
  • Achieve “specialist” status in your niche by fully owning your areas of expertise
  • Make more money with a truly unique and exciting program


Week 5 – Signaling Your Community

  • Captivate your community and build a loyal following by tapping into your audience’s deepest desires
  • Plant your thought leader flag firmly in your niche by developing your thought leader voice
  • Attract an audience of buyers with content that connects their needs to your solution
  • Stay top of mind for your audience with content that’s easy to create


Week 6 – Confident Selling & Your Evergreen Sales Funnel

  • Bring your purpose full circle by creating a monetization plan for your business
  • Kickstart inconsistent sales with a quick-results sales method
  • Create clients easily without high-pressure sales calls
  • Create predictable monthly income with automated funnels


Weeks 7-12 – Implementation Lab

It’s time to put the pedal to the metal and watch your most authentic and fulfilling business come to life as you implement and adapt with full support from me.

But wait – there’s more.

This journey of expansion through expression isn’t just a 12-week program that teaches you how to build your community, brand yourself as a thought leader, and create consistent revenue in your most authentic way …

This mentorship is designed to break you open.

Because, right now, you’re wound up in a tight, little ball, encased in a shell – and we can’t create transformation when you’re like that.

So, throughout these 12 weeks, with my guidance, you’re going to be establishing the habits of a thought leader – the critical tasks that take you from overwhelmed coach to woman in-demand.

It doesn’t just happen with sheer willpower and effort …

The truth is that it’s just time that someone held you accountable for being the big deal you were always meant to be.

That person is me and this is happening inside my program, Ease & Flow.

If you can commit to three months of focus and intentional work, you’ll come out on the other side course-corrected in your business, brimming with momentum and transformed into a thought leader with a thriving business.

Here’s what your participation in Ease & Flow is going to look like …

First, you’re going to get access to my one-of-a-kind course that will teach you the foundation of thought leader positioning. In addition to video training, you’ll receive my best resources for creating social content, writing sales copy for your offers, and much more.

For 12 weeks, you and I will meet 1:1 every week for 60 minutes that will transform your perspective on not just your coaching business, but your authentic personal legacy.

But this is not just a series of coaching calls.

In between sessions, you’ll have access to me via Slack; send notes any time you want, I’ll respond during regular business hours – often with coaching voice notes.

Imagine how much your business could transform in 12 weeks with me in your corner supporting you and holding you accountable to your highest vision.

So who am I and how I am qualified to help?

Below I’ll tell you about all my experience and successes, but the most important thing you need to know about me is that I have a unique, intuitive ability to step into the shoes of your most ideal client and advise you from that place.

This is incredibly valuable because literally ALL of the work we do to build brands and businesses is done from your ideal client’s perspective first.

I’ve spent the last 12 years copywriting, marketing, and helping to build successful businesses and brands online.

In my own businesses, I’ve grown a simple style blog into a podcast with high-end clients all over the world. I’ve grown a community in a small niche into the thousands and generated over $30,000 in mere months of starting the brand from a single group course. I’ve helped dozens of colleagues launch their own brands and products, and I’ve guided my clients to create amazing things.

Additionally, I am an expert the following coaching business models:

  • 1:1 High-Ticket Coaching
  • Group Coaching
  • Courses
  • Live Launching
  • Evergreen Funnels
  • Premium Coaching Memberships

Oh, and the important things …

  • Myers Briggs Type: ENFP
  • Enneagram 4
  • Human Design Generator
  • Rising Libra, Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn


Here are a few Client success stories:

$50K Course launch

Erica R. dove into her first course launch with me, launching a $500 self-study course on Instagram branding and audience building. With a strategic launch schedule and a meticulously crafted email marketing sequence tailored to her existing audience, Erica’s launch was nothing short of spectacular, netting $50,000 in course sales, upsells, and downsells.

$13K Course launch

Jenna G. made her debut in the online course arena with a bang, launching a $300 program designed to help edesigners expand their businesses. With no previous course launches under her belt, Jenna’s success was remarkable, converting 25% of her audience and achieving a $13,000 launch.

$6K/mo Recurring

Jena P. turned a challenge into a triumph by transforming a course that initially struggled to sell into a highly sought-after Pinterest VA membership. Within just 90 days, this strategic pivot not only revitalized her offering but also established a consistent monthly revenue stream of $6,000.

$10K Membership Launch

Baiyina H. is the ultimate connoisseur of life. She had grown a large audience on YouTube with her brilliant interior design advice, but she had experienced her own personal transformation, and wanted to help women like her level-up their lives – inside and out. She created a premium membership and quickly enrolled 12 members at $97/mo each on her first launch.

high-Ticket Clients

Natasha D. is a busy mom of 4 but had a vision of working with women to help them find their strength and power by tapping into their divine feminity. I helped her land her first high-ticket client and bank $4,500 with my content strategy and sales in the DMs method.

high-Ticket Clients

Kim C. is a fitness trainer and someone who transformed their own body and relationship with food, losing over 100 pounds. Even though she had never worked with a client before, she used my content strategy and sales in the DMs method to book her first private client at $4,500.

In one afternoon, she taught me the exact skills to create a $7,000 coaching offer. I sold my first one within 2 weeks!

Ravi Toor

Speaker and Coach

Nicole is a seasoned coach, expert marketer, and has a giant tool box of killer tricks and tools to get your coaching business off the ground.

Just one simple suggestion from her changed the trajectory of my business forever.

She’s whip-smart, reliable, and genuinely, deeply cares about her clients’ success.

Erika Lyremark

Creator of The Daily Whip

My experience with Nicole has been different than anything I’ve done (and I’ve had a lot of coaches and mentors).

She is there every step of the process of building my biz. And not just general advice, but the exact next step I need.

Cali Warner

Intuitive Eating Coach

Here’s my guarantee:

For all three months that we work together, I am your dedicated partner in success.

Your wins are my wins, and I’m here to give you the support, accountability, and resources you need from my 12 years of experience in this industry.

It’s my job to both hold the space for your authentic vision to unfurl and to hold you accountable for taking the right action and having a mindset for success.

To set your mind at ease, I’m happy to make this guarantee:

If, after working together for 90 days, you have not made back your investment with me, I will coach you for an additional 30 days.

But, honestly, I don’t think you’re going to need it. When you’re coachable and committed to taking action, my methods are very effective.

Now you have a choice.

If you’ve read this far, you believe this program can help you. There literally is no other program like this available right now.

You can …

❌ Do nothing or decide to work independently.

❌ Choose some group program that’s just like all the others and create your ICA and offers in the same manner that caused you to feel disconnected in the first place.

Join me in Ease & Flow with 1:1 mentorship so we can unfurl you and all your mad, brilliant ideas and reignite your passion for your business.